Friday, October 27, 2006


Although it is not my custom to be swayed by fashion, I am not above taking account of such useful developments as may occasionally occur in the benighted era in which we live. Accordingly, I have decided to follow the example of some of my friends and brethren who have established for themselves such places as this.

This will serve as a repository of my musings on various, but primarily liturgical, subjects. I hope that it will promote the clarification of my own ideas and perhaps enable me to contribute more effectively to the broader conversation which is taking place at this particularly interesting moment in the history of the Church.

As an initial gesture in that direction, I have translated into English the recent address of Mgr Vingt-Trois, Archbishop of Paris, at the Colloquium marking the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Institut Supérieur de Liturgie, from which some translated extracts have been published. I hope to publish this myself tomorrow.


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